Ardry's Rant

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Introduced:  Lonely In The World Related Quests:  Tumerok Vanguard Outposts
Ardry's Rant
Text Icon Parchment.png
  • Value: 10
  • Burden: 25
  • 2 of 2 pages full.
  • A note from Ardry the Dubious, written in haste.

I have had more than my fill of these purple devildogs! The Tumerok defenders of this base are infuriatingly persistent. Normally I have no trouble fighting them, but their swarming attacks exhausted me and left me vulnerable, just as their leader caught me unaware with a most painful shot from his crossbow! After suffering through innumerable trips to the lifestone, trying to recover some of my most precious items, I am giving up. A good explorer knows to minimize his losses.

I will just head back to civilization, report my findings to Uncle Aliester, and try to forget all this over a mug of stout.

Ardry the Dubious
