Ancient Steward

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Introduced:  Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Related Quests:  Prismatic Shadow Armor Quest
Ancient Steward
Ancient Steward Live.jpg
Class Undead
Level 185
XP 800,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Attacks Slash
Weaknesses Fire
Strength 190
Endurance 190
Coordination 220
Quickness 170
Focus 245
Self 235
Health 1345
Stamina 1690
Mana 1235
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense



The Ancient Steward falls to the floor, his bones cracking on the stone. Looking around in obvious confusion he addresses the room.
Ancient Steward says, "Falatacot scum! Why do you insist on polluting the world with your unnatural presence?"