Glenden Wood Invasion (Mid)

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Glenden Wood Invasion (Mid)
Required Level: 100
Type: Solo
Starts With: Optional: Captain Sovano
Starts At: Optional: Glenden Wood at 29.9N, 27.3E
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Glenden Wood Invasion (Mid)


Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Optional: Speak to Captain Sovano in Glenden Wood at 29.9N, 27.3E.
  2. Go northwest of town to 31.4N 25.8E and kill the 3 Portal Pillars. Once all are dead the portal will turn from white to red and can be entered.
  3. There are multiple levers to pull, reference the map for the path down.
  4. Half way down you'll come to a locked door with an Unchained Knight in the same room that drops a Viamont Staging Area Key to open both this door, and a door at the very end (2 use key). Both doors are 9999 resistance.
  5. You'll come to a Master Vivimancer protected by a Mana Barrier. Melees, archers, and war mages will need to destroy the mana barrier before being able to kill the vivimancer. Life and void mages may harm the vivimancer with indirect damage spells.
  6. When the vivimancer is killed, the passage opens to the end of the dungeon.
  7. Use the key again on the final door and speak to one of the Captives. Use the exit portal (or recall) and speak to Captain Sovano again in Glenden Wood for xp, title, and the Unerring Strike Bow.
  8. If you don't want the bow, you can turn it in to Tomo Genza for the Swift Strike Gauntlets. If you don't want those either you can hand him the gaunts for 9,000,000 XP.


  • Once you reach the section with 3 of the Reinforced (destroyable) doors on a narrow pathway suspended across a room, wait in the hallway prior to the first door for 20–30 seconds; 4 of the 6 Viamontian casters perched along the sides of the room will jump down and run at you after a few moments, getting stuck down below the bridge. Once they do, if you have ~320 jump or higher, simply jump over each of the barriers rather than fighting through them. If you're sharp, you can even cross all 3 barriers in 2 jumps, by landing on top of the second door with your first jump.
    • This makes the trip across MUCH safer, as they would otherwise be spamming level 7 war streaks at you. You'll be able to see them on your radar once they jump down.
  • When you reach the area with the Unchained Knight, keep at least 2-3 of the less-powerful Viamontian Knights between you and it to minimize your damage taken (assuming you're not melee, of course). Debuff their weapons (if you can) as well as the Unchained Knight's, and go to town with ranged damage for an easy kill.
  • When you reach the section near the end with the Mana Barrier, mages CAN drain/harm the Vivimancer to death without needing to take down the mana barrier. This is probably the best way to do this quest solo, as:
    1. the mana barriers are extremely resistant to all damage types and take a ridiculously long time to kill,
    2. the mana barriers share a room with a ~30 second spawn of up to 5 Viamontian Knights (similar to the ones in the last small room on the way to it),
    3. the Vivimancer casts a wide range of level 7 vulns and will chain-cast wars once he is initially attacked.
  • The Vivimancers have extremely high Magic Defense, so you may want to bring a Princely/Royal Runed Slashing Baton to cast Futility if your Creature is not higher than 400/450 (respectively). As a reference, the Vivimancer in the 80+ dungeon had an overall resist rate of 79% with a casting skill of 380 over the course of 200 casts.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Viamont Staging Portal (Mid) 31.4N 25.8E -- 0059


Experience: 59,000,000 (Fixed)
Titles: Glenden Wood Knight
Give unwanted bow to Tomo Genza
Give unwanted gauntlets to Tomo Genza
Experience: 9,000,000 (??% up to level ??)


Click image for full size version.


Opening Dialog

Captain Sovano tells you, "We know of three Viamont Portal Platforms in the woods outside of town. I want you to investigate the North West Portal Platform and if possible put it out of commission. Do whatever it takes to prevent the Viamonts from reinforcing their foothold in Glenden Woods."

Captain Sovano tells you, "I wouldn't advise going on this mission alone though. Find others skilled soldiers to accompany you. Have them talk to me before you leave so I know who is in the field. When your done report back to me."

Captain Sovano tells you, "You will find the Portal Platform at 31.4N 25.8E"
Rewards Dialog

Captain Sovano tells you, "It still chills my blood to think of our own people being used against us. Those horrible Knights are barely human anymore."

Captain Sovano tells you, "Take this bow crafted by Tomo Genza. Thanks to her tireless efforts Glenden Woods still stands. If you wish a different reward then return the bow back to her at the Blacksmith's."

Captain Sovano gives you Unerring Strike Bow.

You've earned 59,000,000 experience.

Captain Sovano tells you, "Kneel and receive the Title of Glenden Wood Knight."

You must wait 13d 0s to complete this quest again.
Other Interactions

Captive tells you, "Thank goodness your here. We were taken from our houses and locked down here. Every so often one of us is lifted through that grating up there so the mages can... do something to them. All we know is that they scream as if they are dying."

Captive tells you, "You should go now, we have some... business to take care of with those mages."

Update History

Through Sacrifice, Strength

  • Quest introduced.


  • Upper level requiremnents removed.
  • Three NPCs added to house in Glenden Wood for each of the three staging areas.

Shifting Gears

  • XP reward for 80+ quest increased from 15,000,000 (10% up to level 101) to 30,000,000 (fixed).
  • XP reward for 100+ quest increased from 24,000,000 (10% up to level 129) to 59,000,000 (fixed).
  • XP reward for 130+ quest increased from 40,000,000 (10% up to level 160) to 130,000,000 (fixed).

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.