Barkeeper Edsel

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Introduced:  Shifting Gears Updated:  Master of Design, Retributions, Seeds of Hope
Barkeeper Edsel
Non-Player Killer
Barkeep Edsel Live.jpg
Race Female Aluvian
Title Barkeeper
Location North wing of Town Network
Level 5
Strength 35
Endurance 50
Coordination 60
Quickness 60
Focus 35
Self 30
Health 80
Stamina 115
Mana 50






Cooking Items

Lore & Dialog


Barkeeper Edsel tells you, "Welcome, and how are you this fine day?"

Buying From

Barkeeper Edsel tells you, "What else can I do for you?"

Barkeeper Edsel tells you, "You should do all your business with me, I have better quality items then those other two."

Selling To

Barkeeper Edsel tells you, "I would say you drive a hard bargain, but those are the prices I set."


Barkeeper Edsel tells you, "Your money is always welcome here, come back anytime."

Update History

During the Seed of Hope event the following Contracts were added, Jester Focuses, Unleash the Gearknights and the Virindi Rescue.